My father was a great one for giving tomato gardening tips since when he was a little boy in the Depression his family worked on a tomato farm when my grandfather was laid off. True all American story. The fact of the matter is that we always had tomatoes in our garden, so that juicy tomato flavor that only comes from a tomato picked straight off the vine is something dream about all winter. This article discusses some of the problems growing tomatoes.
Face it, tomatoes are easy to grow and most people should not have any problems growing tomatoes. However there are some common issues that seem to come up each year.
Here is a list of five tomato gardening tips that identify problems.
Problem 1: You accidentally buy cherry tomatoes instead of regular tomatoes. The only way to tell the difference is with the little tabs in the tomato plant packs and you have to hope they are right.
Problem 2: Staking the tomatoes can be tricky. It starts out simple, and neat and then as the tomatoes grow it is harder to have enough stakes to keep up with the growth. The art of staking, pruning, tying and preventing the stakes from falling over will keep you busy all summer.
Problem 3: Tomatoes need water. Tomato gardening tips on water will serve you well. Tomatoes simply will not produce, and disease and all sorts of bad things happen when there is not enough water. To make it worse, the time of day you water makes a difference. Hot sun, it evaporates, and too late, you run the risk of fungus.
Problem 4: The end of the season also brings bugs, worms and tomato rot. If you have enough plants, you will still get enough tomatoes, but it is annoying. The good news for many is by this time in the season, many are tired of caring for their plants, so it does not matter!
Problem 5: Tomatoes will go wild! After awhile the tomato plants just keep making new shoots and they keep on going all over the place. The trick is to late in the summer, calculate when there is not enough time left for a new little tomatoes to grow full size, and just cut off the new flowers.
Most of the problems growing tomatoes do not result in a ruined crop, so you will still get a sweet tomato to put on a sandwich in the summer. It never hurts to read up on tomato gardening tips come spring, so you can start dreaming about that juicy tomato on your summer hamburger.
Everyone can use some extra help and advice with some expert tomato gardening tips and ideas. Look for some free guides and other valuable information to help you grow some nice, juicy, tasty tomatoes!
Have ever thought about growing tomatoes upside down? Here are some ways to apply tomato growing tips to that novel approach.