Learn to control factors that cause common plant diseases.
No matter where your garden is located, you will have to deal with plant diseases. Even if you have had good luck in the past, there will come a day when disease strikes your plants.
Plant diseases can be caused by many factors including plants that have disease when purchased, bugs or weather. Weather conditions many change in your area, becoming hotter, colder, or wetter than is normal for your area. All of these factors can make your plants more susceptible to disease. You cannot control Mother Nature, but you can pick plants that are more disease resistant for your area.
Have you ever heard the old saying, “Talk to your plants and they will be happier and healthier?” Maybe that is because when you are talking to them, you are really looking closer at the plant and paying attention to what is going on. By talking to your plant, you notice if the leaves are getting droopy, turning yellow, have bugs, or are showing signs of disease such as black matter, water spots, or powdery mildew.
Here are a few tips to help you keep your garden disease free: