Want to grow your own tomato plants? Don’t have a clue on what to do? Worried if you’re doing it right? Well, worry no more! The tips shared here will help ease your worries and get you started in growing healthy, beautiful, delicious tomatoes!
Tip Number One: Lesser Leaves Equals To More Tomatoes!
Your tomato plant is diligently taking essential nutrients from the soil, sunlight and water. When your plants have more leaves than tomatoes, what happens is that half of the energy is given to the leaves. Don’t let this happen! Trim down the leaves because the less leaves you have, the more tomatoes you’ll see.
Don’t be led astray by the belief that more leaves would mean more nutrients captured by the plant. The extra leaves are completely unnecessary. What you want to see is that your tomato plants are 90% red. Three leaves are all your plant needs and these should act as solar panels. The ideal position for these leaves would be on top of your plant and as for the rest of the leaves, get rid of them.
Tip Number Two: Proper Grooming
One of the keys to successfully growing tomato plants is proper grooming. Grooming gets rid of unnecessary leaves and makes air flow freely around the plant thus giving it more essential nutrients. Your hands, with gloves if necessary, are the best tools for grooming your plants.