14 More Tips For Happy Tomato Plants

Just dropping in for a few more fascinating facts and useful tomato tips.

  1. Indeterminate tomato vines can grow up to 50 feet and live for years in the right climate. Northern Minnesota is not the right climate to support such growth.
  2. Tomato plants absorb water and nutrients through their leaves, so give them a good (gentle) spritz once a week or so, in the early morning (never in the late afternoon or evening) until they are thoroughly soaked. Caution: If it has rained, don’t manually top water. Wet plants spread disease, so only top water if you really need to do so.
  3. To encourage bees to visit your tomato garden, inter-plant yellow snapdragons and yellow marigolds. The bees are attracted to the snaps or marigolds and stop off at the tomato blossoms, too, thereby pollinating the tomatoes on their rounds of the garden. This results in greater yields for you. If you’re really worried about pollination, give your plants a gentle shake every day when flowers open up until they begin to set fruit. This helps with self-pollination, or at least my grandmother thought so.
  4. Prune your tomato plants early in the season by using a clean, sharp bypass shears. Please don’t just pinch off the leaves with your fingernails unless you’ve just gotten a new French manicure. Cut off the bottom few leaves and remove suckers (small branches growing in the node of another branch). Don’t over-prune, and stop pruning once your plants are setting fruit.
  5. Night temperatures are almost as important for setting blossoms (and increasing yields) as proper nitrogen fertilization. Keep your tomato babies warm at night by covering with clear plastic or mini-greenhouses (milk jugs with the tops cut off) until night temperatures warm up to a steady 50 degrees.
  6. If you live in a cold area with well water, keep in mind that your water may be 40 degrees or less coming out of the well. Do you tomato babies a favor in the spring and water them with tepid water instead of straight from the hose.
  7. Keep your tomatoes well watered until late August (or near the end of the growing season in your area). After that, water less because dryer conditions cause the fruit to ripen more quickly.
  8. Don’t fertilize your plants after the first week of August because that encourages plant growth at the expense of fruit set. Overfertilization causes many problems, so just stop feeding your tomatoes too much.
  9. Some green tomatoes will ripen after you pick them and some won’t. About two weeks after they are done growing, tomatoes start to lose their chlorophyl ripen into the tastier red color. If you store green ones in the hope they will ripen, choose lighter colored, larger green tomatoes. Use smaller, darker ones in recipes.
  10. Store green or immature red tomatoes in a cool place (50-60 degrees), not the refrigerator. Pop them into a paper bag and keep them dry. They don’t need light to ripen.
  11. Root prune your tomato plants at the end of the season before you dig them up to hasten ripening. Take a spade and make a six inch deep circle all around your plants about a foot away from the base. This cuts off the top roots and and jump starts ripening before you would normally dig up the plants for the season.
  12. Always wash your gardening tools each time you are done using them. A thorough rinse with the hose is sufficient. At the end of the season, wash all tools, stakes, cages, trellises, etc. with bleach solution (10 percent bleach, 90 percent water), dry thoroughly, and store properly.
  13. Mulch is your friend. Want to go cheap on the mulch? Use newspaper (no glossy pages please). Just lay it down around your plants and in between rows, and replace when the paper has composted beyond usefulness. Straw is cheap for some people; clean bark or wood chips cost a little more; or you can spend a million dollars on the latest top of the line mulch just by asking your friendly greenhouse associate.
  14. The fourth Wednesday in August in Valencia, Spain is reserved for the annual La Tomatina festival, during which time more than 220,400 pounds of tomatoes are thrown by the crowds–at each other.

These tips will help you make the most of your tomato harvest!

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Cultivating Tomato Seeds Into Blossoming Plants

To grow tomatoes from seeds is very easy.The project is also worthwhile. There are many tomato seed varieties you can choose from, and the fun part is experimenting with the varieties you can buy.

Start Out With Seeds

For growing tomato seeds into plants, you would want to grow them indoors first, which would usually be a maximum of eight weeks in the beginning of spring. The only time you transfer your plants outdoors is after the initial period.

It is also possible to place your plant in a container such as a pot, and then place the pot in a location where the growing tomatoes seeds can receive enough sunlight.

Seeds should be thinly scattered in a tray filled with compost first to aid in their growth. These growing tomatoes seeds grow best in warm conditions; the tray should be kept in a warm place. Cling film can also be stretched over the tray so that the soil will not easily dry out. The cling film can easily be removed as the growing tomatoes seeds become taller.

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Three Tomato Plant Diseases – How to Recognize and Treat Them

The very first time I grew tomato plants, I believe, it was a fairly successful season. What I mean is, I harvested a decent amount of fruits and it tasted okay. At the time I did not know anything about tomato plants having diseases, I never thought anything about the yellow leaves, and leaves with spots or even a fruit now and then having a dark spot on it.

It was not until I did a little research about tomatoes and planting them to have more success in future growing seasons, that I found out my first tomato plant had diseases. I also found that there are numerous problems you can encounter, but fear not because my first season was okay even though I did not know anything.

Leaf Spot

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Growing Tomatoes From Seeds

Growing tomato plants from seeds is not that difficult and it is extremely rewarding. You can find a large variety of tomato plant seed packets ad it is fun to experiment with the different varieties you find.

Start out growing your tomato plants indoors about six to eight weeks which is usually early spring before you intend to plant them in an outside garden. You can also place the tomato plant into a pot that can be placed in the sunlight. Scatter your seeds thinly over potting compost placed in a tray. Tomato seeds like warm conditions so you will want to keep your tray in a warm area or in a windowsill. You can also add cling film over the tray to keep the soil from drying out. Once the seedlings begin to appear, remove the cling film. Tomato plants like moist soil but be careful not too over water seedlings.

Tomato plants also love sunlight. If you are growing your seedlings in a tray on a windowsill, make sure that you turn the tray every day or two. This will ensure that all of the plants gain access to the light and grow evenly. Tomato plants will also grow towards the light so if they are not receiving enough light, they may grow bent. Tomato plants can also grow thin and leggy if they do not receive enough light while indoors.

When seedlings have grown to be about 1 to 2 inches high, it is time to transplant them from the tray to individual pots. Carefully separate each seedling being careful not to damage the roots. You should lift the seedlings by the leaves and not the stem because they can easily get damaged at this young stage. Place the seedlings in a hole in the soil which is big enough for its roots. Back fill the hole with compost and water the seedling immediately. Lightly press the compost around the roots to ensure that the roots have good contact with the soil. The seedlings should continue to be kept within the sunlight and turned if the sunlight is uneven. When the seedlings have grown to be about sic to eight inched tall, you should transplant them again into larger pots. During these last stages, you can harden off the seedlings before placing them into an outdoor garden. Hardening them off simply means to get them used to the outdoor temperature which is obviously harder to control then the inside temperature you were growing your seedlings at. Place seedlings outside in the sun for a few hours each day to harden them off.

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Tomato What Realy Is It Fruit Or Veggie?

Tomato is a savory, bright red and edible fruit scientifically known as Lycopersicon esculentum. It is native to South America and is now cultivated all over the world with many varieties often grown in green houses in cool climates. The fruit is consumed in a wide variety of ways like eaten raw, in many delicacies as well as in drinks. Botanically it is considered as a fruit but it is a vegetable in general terms used for culinary purposes. The fruit is rich in lycopene which has many efficient health effects. Tomato is a member of the nightshade family attaining a height of 1-3 m with a weak stem that sprawls over ground or sometimes twines over other plants. Although it is a perennial plant but also grown as annual plant in the temperate climates.

The plant is grown all over the world with thousands of known cultivars adapted to different climatic conditions. Commonly cultivated varieties include tomberries, beefsteak tomato, cherry tomato and plum tomato. They are one of the most important garden plants in United States. China is the largest producer of tomatoes followed by United States and Turkey. About 130 million tonnes of tomatoes were produced in 2008 in the whole world. California accounts for 90% production of the plum tomatoes which comprises 35% of the total world production of tomatoes. They may be classified as determinate and indeterminate. Determinate type bears all fruits at once after attaining a certain height. They are generally used for commercial production and are canned. Indeterminate types grow in the form of tender vines that produce fruits continuously unless and until destroyed by frost. An intermediate form between the two is also known that produces a second crop even after the production of the initial crop.

Tomatoes grow well with a sunlight of 7 hours a day. The NPK fertilizers are required in the proportion of 5-10-10 although manure and compost are also required. Cultivated varieties differ in their degree of resistance to diseases. They are susceptible to the attack of fungi, nematodes, stink bugs, cutworms, tomato hornworms and tobacco hornworms, aphids, cabbage loopers, whiteflies, tomato fruitworms, flea beetles, red spider mite, slugs and Colorado potato beetles. When insects attack tomato plant, the plant produces plant peptide hormone, systemin which releases protease inhibitors responsible for slowing down the growth of insects. The stamens remain closed inside the corolla. The wild varieties require cross pollination. The varieties cultivated in green houses are self pollinated. Generally unripe tomatoes are picked up from the farms and then sprayed with ethylene gas to become ripe. Unripe tomatoes are firm. After ripening they attain bright red colour and are somewhat soft in touch. Ethylene is a hydrocarbon produced by plants which acts as a cue to support ripening process. Genetically modified varieties are also marketed with the trade name Flavr Savr.

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Growing Tomato Plants – A Potted Information Guide For Beginners

Growing tomato plants in your own outdoor vegetable garden is something that many of us think about but quite often never get around to doing. Let me tell you, growing tomatoes is easy to do and nothing compares to the taste of your own fresh organically grown tomatoes.

Believe it or not there are actually over 7,500 varieties of tomato so you have an incredible selection to choose from. Perhaps you like the idea of making your own sauces or salads and if this is the case you might want to look at some of the larger fruits such as Beefsteak or Early Girl. Or maybe you are interested in the smaller more petite ones like the cheery tomato. Growing tomatoes is really easy and whichever variety you decide to go with you will have lots of them when it comes around to picking them at harvest time.

Growing tomato plants outdoors requires a reasonably warm climate. Hardy though they can be, tomato plants don’t handle frost particularly well. Temperatures of around 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day would be ideal and no lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. This would suggest that the ideal weather conditions for growing tomatoes would be around the end of May.

When planting your tomato plants you need to ensure they are not too close together. You need to be aware that their roots spread out quite a lot under the soil and need plenty of room. Another factor to take into account is that if you do get any pests or diseases and they are too close they can easily be passed on. Also if the leaves from a neighbouring plant create too much shade it can stop the fruits from growing to their full size. Therefore a basic “rule of thumb” guide distance between plants, depending on their size and variety, should be 12 and 36 inches apart.

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Grow Tomato Plants Upside Down – Better Tomatoes

How do you grow tomatoes upside down and why even bother to do it?

Actually, it’s pretty smart, and many tomato growers swear by the fact that their tomatoes are bigger and more plentiful as a result. This article will discuss how and why to grow upside down tomatoes.

When tomatoes are growing upside down, the shoots and stems are not fighting gravity. Gravity is actually helping the plants to grow so the stems grow stronger and healthier as a result. There is improved air circulation around the plant which also encourages growth.

Another benefit to growing your tomatoes upside down is that you never have to stake them or support them as they develop. Normally with the tomato plants growing rightside up, the plants must be staked or supported to help them bear the weight of the developing tomatoes and keep them from settling to the ground.

When tomatoes are allowed to settle to the ground they fall prey to pests, diseases and rot. It’s a bad thing which must be avoided – and hanging the plants upside down avoids it more effectively than any other technique.

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Common Tomatoe Diseases And Problems

The very first time I grew tomato plants, I believe, it was a fairly successful season. What I mean is, I harvested a decent amount of fruits and it tasted okay. At the time I did not know anything about tomato plants having diseases, I never thought anything about the yellow leaves, and leaves with spots or even a fruit now and then having a dark spot on it.

It was not until I did a little research about tomatoes and planting them to have more success in future growing seasons, that I found out my first tomato plant had diseases. I also found that there are numerous problems you can encounter, but fear not because my first season was okay even though I did not know anything.

Leaf Spot

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Amazing Tomato Growing Tips

Tomatoes are of many different varieties and each have been bred to grow best in a particular region with a particular climate. Growing tomato plants is one of the most rewarding and satisfying hobbies because you are able to plan, plant and grow tomatoes all in a few short months. If you are interested in growing tomatoes then you should make sure that you have done all your homework in terms of research in the processes and gardener-tested tomato growing tips. There are some unique and amazing tomato growing tips that are available, which will help the person to have a great time growing these tomatoes.Here is some help with many of the basics of tomato growing that will help you in successfully producing your tomato crop.

Soil preparation:

This is the aspect of tomato growing that has to be completed even before you actually sow the seeds! You have to make sure that the soil in which the tomatoes are going to grow has a lot of natural organic material. Begin your composting early before the season. Add egg shells to your compost for added calcium that tomatoes require. Your soil mix should be a heavy, mulched, slightly acidic soil (pH = 5.5 – 6.5). As your tomatoes mature you will need to apply nutrients. Universal fertilizers (N-P-K) are available at your local nursery. Go easy on the the nitrogen and stronger on the phosphorous and and potassium, for good tomatoes.

Increase production:

Many professional gardeners will spray their plants with tea extract or seaweed. This should be sprayed at least four times when you are growing a tomato plant. The first two times should be immediately after you have replanted the plants with adequate space between them. This phase of spraying gives more strength for the plant to grow. The second time when you spray the substance should be when the flowers are seen on the tomato plant. The third and fourth times are when the tomatoes are growing on the plant. This helps to increase the flowering and the yield that you get from the tomato plants.

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Grow Tomato Plants With No Garden

There’s a gardener in all of us and growing our own tomatoes is one of the easiest ways to begin. Growing hanging tomato plants is simple to do and can fit around even the busiest of lifestyles. If limited space is a problem, then growing your plants upside down in a hanging planter is the perfect answer.

Having little or no space to grow tomatoes

Not everyone has access to a large garden to grow their own tomatoes and this can put many “beginner gardeners “off before they even start. We’ve all seen these wonderful pictures of big green tomato plants with succulent looking tomatoes on them, growing in what seems to be at least half an acre of garden. But what if we don’t have that sort of area to play with? What if we live in a flat or an apartment and we don’t have any garden at all?

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