Growing Tomato Plants – 7 Common Problems

A tomato plant can be a very easy or very difficult plant to have success with depending on what you do. The best part about them is that you really only need to get a few things right and you are all set. The worst part is that if you don’t get them right things can quickly deteriorate into a real mess.

So in this article I will list the 10 most common problems that you will face in your tomato garden adventures.

1) Frost: Tomato plants cannot stand frost it is their number one weakness. Making sure that the frosts are over before you plant and warming the bed in preparation for your seedlings will ensure that you don’t suffer a loss of crops from this.

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5 Steps to Stop Weeding Tomato Plants Forever – Tomatoes Containers Heaven

You can get simple and easy tomatoes by growing them in containers to get those delicious homegrown tasting tomatoes that only green thumb gardeners grow. If you don’t have a lot of space or live in an apartment then tomato growing is great! There are just a few steps you absolutely must know or else you will get those tiny, rotten tomatoes.

1. Tomatoes need sunlight

Tomatoes need at least 6 hours of sunlight. You can put your new tomatoes containers on a patio or in a window sill. Window sills are especially great because they provide a lot of direct sunlight, where the suns shines directly on the plant. Make sure to move the pot around so that it gets the full six hours of sun when growing tomatoes containers.

2. Pick the right plant

You don’t want to get a tomato plant that grows six feet tall, in your kitchen at that! No better to choose a determinate tomato variety. Determinate tomatoes are varieties that only grow a foot or two max. Which is great for you, because one things they go is ripen fast. Just think in as little as two weeks you can have fresh tomatoes in your salad. The smaller varieties ripen quick and with the plant being small you won’t be left with tons of tomatoes that you can’t use.

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Greenhouse Growing For Tomato Plants

There are a couple of ways for approaching tomato growing in a greenhouse, you can either dig and prepare the soil of the greenhouse ready to accept the tomato plants or you can grow the plants in a container such as a plant pot (12″ diameter) or growbag.

Realistically most growbags that are available which can be 35 or 40 litres in size are only enough to support two plants. There are ways in which you can push this out to 3 plants but for the cost of a growbag its probably as well just to stick to 2 plants, particularly if you take good care of them and produce lots of fruit.

If you go for pots then you should steralise them before use, to do this you can use a dilute solution of a suitable disinfectant, something like Jeyes fluid is perfect for this task.

While we are on this subject, you really should wipe down the inside of your greenhouse with disinfectant as well to ensure any residual contaminants that could also cause disease are removed from the glass.

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Learn To Plant Tomato Seeds Correctly

Tomatoes are one of the most popular ingredients in our recipes. Many people do experience tomato growing problems even though they are one of the common fruit vegetables that families can easily cultivate at home. In order to reap bountiful of luscious fruit crops make sure that you choose the right variety of tomato. The appropriate variety is dependent on where you intend to grow your tomato plants.

The constant mistakes frequently encountered by most people starting to grow tomatoes at home are incorrect choice of variety, when to plant, over planting, planting in the wrong area, growth of pests, and insufficient knowledge on how to successfully grow tomatoes in your own backyard.

All these problems can be avoided if you know how to effectively grow tomato plants at home. Let us discuss on each matter one by one. The first is what type of variety you should choose if you have limited garden space. There are two kinds of varieties, the determinate and indeterminate kind. If you have only a small space you may opt to choose the determinate kind which means they will grow only for about three inches in height. Pots or any containers are suitable for planting tomatoes with small places or having a patio.

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Growing Tomatoes – Knowing the Basics For a Great Harvest

Growing tomato plants is an interesting, and enjoyable hobby for many as they can be grown quite effortlessly. The main effort of growing tomatoes goes into caring for them. Many people are of the impression that the tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable. Well, it is just the opposite.

There can be many varieties of tomatoes. They differ with respect to their harvest time, flavor, size, shape and color. Given below are some important factors to keep in mind before growing tomato plants.

Choose the Best Location and Time

Tomatoes thrive in a sunny environment. Each tomato plant should get a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight everyday. Read the guidelines on the seed packaging or the plant tag to get an idea of how far the seeds should be placed from each other so that the plants can grow to their fullest potential. Do not start growing tomato in the freezing winter as that would surely damage your plants. Early spring is a perfect time for growth.

What about the nutrient and water intake?

Tomato plants need water in enormous quantities. So make sure that you water them often. Do not keep them dry for a very long time and then flood them with water. If you are growing tomato plants in containers, water them once every couple of days. You can develop a home made drip water system to water your plants regularly. This can be done by piercing the sides and bottoms of gallon milk jugs and then burying them in the soil close to the plants, with only their tops sticking out. Filling them up with water will regularize the water intake of your plants through the roots and help growing tomatoes.

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